Educating Children's Future Community Center

About this Organization

The E.C.F. Community Center is an after-school tutoring and educational enrichment program for all at-risk, elementary-age children who live in our inner-city community. The mission of the program is to demonstrate that the trend of poor student achievement can be reversed and that all students can master academic standards if they are given time, support, and instruction that focuses on their academic needs. E.C.F. Community Center serves at-risk, Elementary students ages 6-13 in the under-served community of the west side in and surrounding the 78404 and 78405 zip codes, where there is a disproportionate amount of poverty and Hispanic students. We offer services to 223 elementary-age students per campus, per school year. Students who participate in our program live in households that are below or at the poverty level; predominately Hispanic; Math, Reading, and Language Arts proficiency below the state average; higher than the state average for being held back a grade; and at risk for aggressive gang recruitment.

E.C.F. Community Center strives to provide educated tutors to underprivileged and at-risk elementary-age children who are in need of assistance with their academic standards and performance in the Corpus Christi community at no charge. Our goal is to encourage and equip each student with resources and learning techniques for increased comprehension, improved grades, positive peer mentorship, improved academic equity, increased emotional adjustment, a stronger self-image, positive social development, and reduction in risk-taking behavior.

Long-term benefits that result from the E.C.F. After-School Tutoring Program include:
(1) Students become motivated to succeed
(2) Students are proud of academic achievements
(3) Students stay in school until graduation
(4) Students successfully transition to adulthood
(5) Students become productive and contributing members of society

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