In April of 1953, a farmhouse on Upper Broadway opened as a ministry to the homeless. Beginning with just eight cots and a soup kitchen, Good Samaritan Rescue Mission has grown to 208 beds with 34 programs to help the homeless build a new life out of the ashes of their old one. We are now located at 902 Nueces Bay Blvd., and every staff member first came through our doors seeking shelter. Some have professional backgrounds who never thought they would live in a shelter, but now they are helping, training, and mentoring others. Others have aged out of foster care and have survived their childhood and need a chance to discover who they really are and what they would love to do for a life vocation. We try to hire as many veterans as possible. Uncle Sam spent a fortune training them, and that training is an asset we can use in our administration and ministry at Good Sam. They are still serving their country by serving "the least of these". We find that many combat veterans are the inspiration for those who have been through terrible suffering or hardships and need someone who conquered their fears and grief and used their experience to help others. Our staff members have walked a mile in the shoes of the next person coming through our door.
We are faith-based, accept no government funding, and are not members of the United Way. Each program was conceived by one or more people who lived here in the past or are presently here. As a result, the root of most problems can be quickly identified. Then we brainstormed with staff and other residents to come up with a solution or an even better solution than we had before. We are not a copy of any local or national model. Good Sam is an original concept, and we can modify or create a program quickly if a new need arises.
We serve 3 meals and 2 snacks every day of the year, and we are open around the clock. We are never closed. We have an excellent day labor program and assist those in need with ID restoration so they may become employed. We have Good Sam's Canine Camp and Cattery for our residents who checked in with a pet. We love and accept people from every faith, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and national origin.
To those who are open, we share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the One who gave His Life so that we could share in HIS Life throughout eternity. Our greatest tool is unconditional love. Good Sam is far more than a place to feed and shelter people. Miracles happen here.
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Coastal Bend Community Foundation 555 N. Carancahua St., Suite 900 Corpus Christi, TX 78401