Alice Volunteer Services

About this Organization

Alice Volunteer Services has served Jim Wells County since 1983 by maintaining a food pantry staffed solely by volunteers. Our entire operation was revamped during COVID in order to continue our mission to feed the hungry. We serve as a drive-thru pantry and distribute food on Wednesday at 8 AM. We serve the first 75-100 families. Our prepackaged bags serve a family of four. The bags they receive cost us approximately $75. Due to COVID, our partnership with H‑E‑B and Walmart ceased. The elimination of this supply of FREE fresh food is a loss to our clients and has necessitated the purchase of more non-perishable food and all of our meat, which is a hit to our budget. We also purchase bread, flour tortillas and sometimes rice and beans every week from H‑E‑B. Inflation and the lack of available food have been a challenge. Our monthly food purchase is between $8,000-$10,000. During the pandemic and currently, we have continued to operate. There is an even greater need for food in this present economy. Many families suffer from food insecurity. Folks are without jobs and financially unable to provide for their families. Our elderly clients have had their extended families move in with them. Our new weekly "drive-through" has enabled us to continue serving the community. Clients may now receive standard bags /boxes for a family of four monthly. Bags/boxes are pre-packed for our distribution day. Increased efficiency has enabled us to serve as even more families monthly than in past years. The "angels" (volunteers) are a well-oiled machine! However, we are always in need of committed volunteers.

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