Children's Coalition of Aransas County

About this Organization

Children's Coalition is all about listening to families in our community, finding out what kinds of support they need, and finding ways to help them meet those needs. We provide a variety of programs for children and families in Aransas County and surrounding areas, including our emergency food pantry, grocery delivery services, diaper pantry, children's clothes closet, childcare tuition assistance, and voucher program. When we learned that there was a need for more childcare in the community, we addressed that in two ways. One program that was created was our Family Childcare Initiative, through which we provide support, technical assistance, materials, and training for individuals who wish to provide childcare in their homes. Another program that was created out of the childcare need was the establishment of the CCAC Coastal Bend Child Development Center, a full-day, year-round early care and learning center for children between 0-12 years of age. We host an annual early childhood conference that serves more than 250 early childhood educators from throughout the Coastal Bend and the Rio Grande Valley. We host annual events such as Coats for Kids, a part of Backpacks and Blue Jeans that we co-host with First Baptist Church, the Fulton Fall Festival, Santa's Workshop, and the Week of the Young Child Art Show. A new program that we intend to create this year is a celebration of World Children's Day in November. We are the Aransas County implementing partner for the Care Portal, a system that connects families in need with churches. We host a monthly Community Forum at which representative of organizations and agencies from throughout the Coastal Bend come together to share information, ideas, and announcements. In 2023, we provide services and assistance to more than 2000 individuals. One of our greatest joys is watching a family move from struggling to make ends meet to becoming self-reliant and self-confident. The transformations that we are blessed to be a part of is exciting and rewarding.

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