Choice Living Community

About this Organization

Choice Living Community helps adults living with disabilities maintain a critical and consistent schedule by providing an individualized approach to working on transition skills once they have left public education. We implement projects that respond directly to the needs of the individual as well as implementing projects that community stakeholders can participate in their creation and development. Our programs span the areas of vocational, life skills, and social skills training as well as job coaching for adults living with disabilities.

We believe in facilitation; allowing the individual adult to take ownership of the projects themselves, empowering them to face the challenges affecting them, and also ensuring that they are sustainable and inclusive.

Many families, over 155,000 in Texas alone, are on at least a 15 to 20-year waiting list for facilities, placements, and/or services. Texas faces a shortage of transition support and services for adults living with disabilities.

According to the Texas Education Agency, one school district alone in the Corpus Christi, TX area has over 1,173 special education students on seven different campuses alone. With more than sixty-eight students in a transition program who will need continued support and services while navigating adult life. In Nueces County, there are over 800 students within special education that will leave public education within the next couple of years, and currently over 10,000 adults living with disabilities.

Choice Living Community is looking to fill that gap in support and services by providing a secure place for adults living with disabilities to attend as soon as they leave public education to continue working on vocational, life, and social skills needed for independent living. With those statistics in the area our mission began! With your support we can continue our current mission of providing support and services to our clients, expanding our clientele, and our hard work towards the BIG vision for the future which includes a 24/7-around the-clock care housing community, mental health services, occupational therapy, and pet therapy to help our clients towards their independence!

In the midst of COVID-19 in 2021, Choice Living Community started working with one client toward her job training and independent living goals. As of 2023, Choice Living Community is now serving 37 adults living with disabilities in the areas of vocational, life, and social skills training with 6 currently working part-time in the community. Choice Living Community's firm commitment is to support every adult living with a disability that we can by providing the high level of care and training needed for independence.

With each client's current financial needs exceeding $1200 monthly, and Choice Living Community not relying solely on government grant funding, every event and dollar amount raised is crucial to our success! By supporting Choice Living Community, you become a partner in our mission to change the lives of adults living with disabilities and help transform their lives and our community.

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